The proper way to use Moth crystals is first to use PDB crystals,
     Napthalene is not as effective. Napthalene also has more a tendancy to
     flavor honey. The crustals need to be placed on a piece of paper
     laying on the top of a stack of supers. You need 2 table spoons of
     crystals for a stack of 10 supers. Seal these under platic. If you do
     not break a hole or have a leak in you plastic, this fumigation will
     last from one season to the next even with old drawn comb. You must
     air out these supers for at least 48 hours in well ventilated place
     before putting them on any colony of bees. I put mine outside in the
     weather for 72 hours after such a treatment. The supers can be put on
     the bees about a 2 weeks prior to the honey flow for extra cleaning.
     Proper fumigation works well. If you try to short cut any on these
     steps, you may be disappointed.
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Moth crystals & Storing combs
Author:  Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]> at internet-ext
Date:    5/17/96 10:34 AM
Tom Clay wrote:
>  Is there a problem with storing the unused frames in plastic bags with a few
>moth crystals, and then airing them out for a few days before use?
   Forty years ago I did just that.  You can imagine how weird the honey
tasted later!
   Moth crystals can poison bees as well as moths.  Furthermore, some types
of moth crystals get absorbed by the wax in combs and persist far longer
than one might think.
* Adrian Wenner        E-Mail   [log in to unmask]  *
* Dept.Ecol.,Evol.,& Mar.Biol. Office Phone    (805) 893-2838 *
* University of California     Lab Phone       (805) 893-2675 *
* Santa Barbara, CA  93106     FAX             (805) 893-8062 *
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