My standard management is to inspect colony status weekly
and look for queen cells. The time when I begin inspections
depends on climate (here about the last week in April).
By the time the first q cell contains an egg or a larva
(after 7 days q cell could be just capped in the worst
case) I cut out all cells that contain larvae and take out the
old queen (I kill her when I do not need her otherwise, with
valuable queens, of course, I make splits). I put in 5
grafted larvae in q cups (larvae from qualified queens).
Usually all colonies will accept at least one of the grafted larvae.
Otherwise, I compensate between colonies. (For security reasons, I
take away all combs with open brood cell from one colony
and use this colony for breeding additional grafted larvae.)
After 9 days (all female brood capped) I take away all queen cells
except the grafted one. This queen will hatch, mate.
PRO: The colonies will hardly try to swarm again this year. Very strong
colonies, high honey yield (many workers, gap in brood feeding!)
Varroa reproduction gap (when no honey flew, opportunity for varroa
treatment!), every year a young queen, which give excellent spring starts
Usually only one or two inspections before they have occupied q cups.
CONTRA: two times q cup cutting, searching of the old queen,
mating risk (make some nucs with surplus q cells, reduce mating risk
by some landmarks in front of the hives, do not align them regulary).
Michael Haberl
Zoologisches Institut der Uni Muenchen         Tel: ++49 89 5902-444
Luisenstr. 14                                  Fax: ++49 89 5902-450
80333 Muenchen, Germany   E-mail: [log in to unmask]