On Wed, 8 May 1996, Adrian Wenner wrote:
>    Actually, soapy water does just fine, with about a quarter cup of
> kitchen detergent in a half a bucket of wat
>    I have used the soapy water treatment on both ants and yellow jackets.
> One can also use a tablespoon full of detergent mixed into a spray bottle
> full of water and set on stream for target practice.  A direct hit on a
> yellow jacket results in its death within a minute or so.
> ****
 Hi Adrian , Your post was very timely for me.I was stacking up some deep
boxs for some painting and I came across a couple of boxs that had the
red headed ants in them. I mixed up some soapy water and did add a little
borax and put it in a sprayer. It worked great. They were runing all over
the boxs and I just kept spraying them. I went back out in about an hour
and found some  under a cover. So I sprayed them also. They just curl up
and die and we don't have to mess up our enviornment. Thanks for the
great info. Worked like a charm.
 Best Regards