I installed my first 2 packages ever last night. The first
went fine. For the second I was a little excited and rushed it . The
feeder can was empty, and the queen cage has a lot of wax on it. I
hesitated at scraping the wax off and went ahead and installed the
cage after poking a hole in the candy. I installed the bees and added
the feeder and closed up the hive.
        Later I realized I never saw/insprected the queen, oops! This
morning one hive is very active and the other (with uninspected
queen) much less so. My question is should I open the hive and
inspect queen cage or wait and see? My plan at this point is to check
both hive in 4 days but I might need a replacement queen now.
        Thanks in advance.
        Side note, got everything done and wasn't bothered by any
bees. My kids were watching from inside and were impressed. Brushed
off a few clinging bees and went inside to celebrate. As I took off a
pullover shirt - zing! I got stung on the hand - oh well.