On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, M.Westby (Max Westby) wrote:
> Dear All
> Re: the honey warming discussion thread.
> I've used an aquarium thermostat with 60W light bulb in old fridge with
> great success.  These thermostats are cheap, honey proof, and cover just
> the right temperature range.
A caveate: In the UK, we've *not* found these successful. It's
possible that that's due, at least in part, to our higher voltage
electricity supply. They are not normally intended to go up to
the temperatures we expect either.
Regards, Gordon.
Gordon Scott   [log in to unmask]      [log in to unmask] (work)
The Basingstoke Beekeeper (newsletter)      [log in to unmask]
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Beekeeper; Kendo 3rd Dan; Sometime sailor.  Hampshire, England.