>* Charles (Rick) Grubbs   *
>* [log in to unmask]       *
>* Douglasville, Ga SE USA *
Hi Charles;
        Simply, this swarm may be an after swarms , owing to the chirping of
the queens in the queen cells in the tree, place an excluder between the
bottom and top super(box), place the new swarms in the top box, and in two
or three weeks observe where the brood is, if brood is in each box,place the
brood and bees into nucs or hives, increasing your hive numbers.
        Wether or not there will be any more swarms, only time will tell.
Have a look at "Control of Swarming" on our home page, the URL is below in
my signature, and good luck with your beekeeping.
Thanks from :
                        [log in to unmask]
            [log in to unmask] ( David Goble )
           American Beach Kangaroo Island South Australia