In a message dated 96-04-18 01:50:33 EDT, you write:
>Subj:  Re: AFB eradication
>Date:  96-04-18 01:50:33 EDT
>From:  [log in to unmask] (Bill Miller)
>I have sucessfully used fumigated equipment that came from hives with known
>active AFB, so I submit that equipment can have active AFB spores fumigated.
> Maryland uses an ethylene dioxide chamber; there are other fumigation
>methods also (although all of them require special equipment/precautions).
   Does anyone know of a fumigation chamber or radiation chamber available
in, or near South Carolina?
   I have "inherited" a lot of frames of AFB comb from several beekeepers,
who put it in one corner of my warehouse.  I was planning to have a wax
melting session, but some of the comb looks very good, except for the AFB,
and I've been thinking......
   Oh yeah, I've already considered the nuclear waste dump at the Savannah
River Plant. Some of my bees are near there, and they can work nights,
because they have their own neon light.....    ;<)
[log in to unmask]    Dave Green,  PO Box 1200,  Hemingway,  SC  29554
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