Hello all,
        Several times the past 2 or 3 weeks I have wondered why the bees in
my nuc yard seemed facinated with the liscense plate on the trailer I use to
move my hives. My curiosity was solved yesterday when I moved my trailer to
my girlfriend's house (where there are no hives) and found when I stopped by
there yesterday afternoon a bunch of bees hanging around the liscense plate.
I stuck my head under the trailer and lo & behold there was a hive! What is
fascinating to me is I have driven hundreds of miles the past few weeks and
they still consider it home. Bees sure do keep life interesting!
God Bless,
Kelley Rosenlund  [log in to unmask]
Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., 137 hives, 1 year in beekeeping.