I have no objection to answering honestly raised questions, but the
barrage of queries from Mr Patton is beyond my interest.  The thinly
veiled insinuations and barely disguised disbelief really doesn't
encourage me to respond to the list of questions Mr Patton raises,
though in fact several of them are good questions.  If anyone *else*
would care to raise them with me, either on the list or perferably
one on one, I would be pleased to help you in an understanding of
NZ's beekeeping.  Say what you want to say about New Zealand, Mr
Patton - don't put it in the form of these mostly rhetorical
questions.  As an example, I would suggest that when our industry had
two of your officials and one of your friends over here, we
thoroughly discussed statistically significant sampling and survey
mechanisms.  I don't propose to do that through this list.  Please
contact me by personal mail if you wish.
Nick Wallingford
President - Nat Beekeepers Assn of NZ      (\
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