Okay here goes again; hopefully the picture will come out right this time:
>The simplest type of follower board I've come across was described in
>Gleanings'  (ABJ?) gadgets and gismos column.  The guy used 1/4 " tempered
>hardboard cut to the rectangular dimensions of a frame.  Then using a
>brake he folded a narrow strip of sheet metal the length of a top bar
>to this shape: (end view)
>|     |
>|     |
>This was slipped over the top of the board and simply riveted thru it.
>  At each end, for the "lugs" from which the board will hang, you snip
>the metal where it sticks out from the board (below) and fold it under
>with needle nose pliers.
>|__i_______________________i__| --fold this section under after cut
>     |                                              |
       |                                              |
       |                                              |
       |                                              |
>     |_______________________|
>I hope the diagram doesn't get messed up in the transfer.  It should
>look like the shape of a frame...