Well I got my first swarm today. I had just finished installing 2 new
packages of bees, and went back into the house and my neighbor came and
told me that a swarm of bees had came out of a large oak tree on his
property and landed on his childrens swing set. My son and I gathered
all of our equipment and went over and captured the swarm in a cardboard
box.  I brought them back and put them in front of a new hive with
foundation and opened the box and they just walked into the hive. It was
the most exciting and gratifing thing I have ever witnessed. About 2
hours later he came and told me that another swarm about the same size
as the first had came out of the tree and had went to the same place on
the swing set, but turned around and went back into the tree. The first
swarm was at least 5 pounds and he said that the second was at least as
large as the first. Can I expect another swarm from them soon? I am
running out of hive bodies and need to get another one made if so.
Sorry if I have rambled, but like I said it was my first time to capture
a swarm, and it has gotten me excited.
* Charles (Rick) Grubbs   *
* [log in to unmask]       *
* Douglasville, Ga SE USA *