>I am looking for information on the life cycle of V mites and also
>any information on substances which are attractants to V mites.  I
>do not care in which stage of their life cycle it occurs.
Question:  has it yet been determined what substance or substances are
present in A. mellifera larvae that attract the mites to cells?  Such a
substance appears to be present in Apis cerana drone brood but not worker
brood, as A.cerana workers are not attacked.  It's been suggested that this
substance X, is less abundant in A. m. worker brood than drone brood as
well.  What's the latest?
Also, is it generally agreed that by supplying sheets of drone foundation,
and removing the capped drone brood at regular intervals, one is actually
selecting for mites which thrive on worker brood??  Is trapping in drone
brood reliable for non-chemical control?  Any thoughts/info appreciated.
Regds, JWG