At 08:50 AM 4/12/96 -0400, you wrote:
>  REGARDING           Re:If you read my last post you know that I am
>Jeffrey Tooker writes:
>"I want to start with a nuc (four frame from a reputable supply house) in
>a brood chamber with nine or ten full sized frames.  I am starting clean
>this month and do not plan to take any honey untill next year.
>I would like information on when and how to start treatment for brood
>diseases and mites?"
>I believe the sooner the better.  Don't let mites get a head start at all.
>Therefore, as soon as the nuc is hived, I would place a couple Apistan strips
>at the center of the cluster area, and put a 1/2 lb patty of Terrapatty (or
>make up a Crisco/sugar/terramycin batch yourself) on the top bars.  Apistan
>will help control varroa and the patty will control AFB, EFB and tracheal
>mites.  Leave the strips in 45 days, but leave the patty in all year (and
>replace when necessary) if you don't plan to harvest honey this year.  In late
>August - early September, put Apistan strips in again for 45 days, then
>remove.  Then if you feed Fumadil in 1:1 syrup in early fall, your bees should
>be healthy and raring to go a year from now.
>Ted Fischer
Ted thank you for your very informative reply.  I will file it under both
Mites and Diseases.  Just one more question.  What controls the Vmites when
the strips are not in?
Thank You
Jeffrey Tooker    >