On Sun, 31 Mar 1996, Vince Coppola wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Mar 1996, David. E. Goble wrote:
> > >prefer this approach to roaming the globe in search of the perfect bee.
> > >If a project like this is supported, we should soon have a population of
> > >bees to work with that will be as good as those anywhere.
> > >
> > In response to these postings,
> >
> >         You do not have to breed a resistant strain,All you need a clean
> > hive and foundation, hatching brrod and a new queen from a Varroa free
> > supplier and exclude all the older field bees from these hive , by placing
> > it on a new isolated site, thi can be successful in at least 90% of any attempt.
> > Mite infection can not be controlled by immuniological or toxicological
> > genetic controll.
>         I hope this an April fool prank and not realy advice.
>                                         Vince
 Hi Vince , Look where he is writting from. Down under. You see what a
difference a few miles make , even on this planet.We need to stay with
the majority opinion on the control of mites or you will NOT have bees.
Use what is legal in your area.