>On Sun, 31 Mar 1996, David. E. Goble wrote:
>> >prefer this approach to roaming the globe in search of the perfect bee.
>> >If a project like this is supported, we should soon have a population of
>> >bees to work with that will be as good as those anywhere.
>> >
>> In response to these postings,
>>         You do not have to breed a resistant strain,All you need a clean
>> hive and foundation, hatching brrod and a new queen from a Varroa free
>> supplier and exclude all the older field bees from these hive , by placing
>> it on a new isolated site, thi can be successful in at least 90% of any
>> Mite infection can not be controlled by immuniological or toxicological
>> genetic controll.
>        I hope this an April fool prank and not realy advice.
>                                        Vince
Hi Vince;
        As a immuniologist and genetic associate Professor, I am extremely
concern that a government department has the gall to seek funds to attempt
to breed a mite resistance strain of a parasite, when we have the historical
facts of the resistance in insects harmful to man.
        America, Britian Australia and Europe has attempted this facality in
1960, 70, and 80's, whenever governments have restricted departmental funds,
with no success from these attempts. Acarapis mites, both dorsalis and
externus have been in bee stocks for at least 30 years. So mite problems are
not new.
                                                Dr B Goble PhD
Thanks from :
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            [log in to unmask] ( David Goble )
           American Beach Kangaroo Island South Australia