Beekeepers working in citrus groves in South Florida report fair to good
flows.  But the larger belt of citrus along the "Ridge" of central Florida
has been so cold that bees have not worked much, and trees are not yielding.
   If the weather does not warm soon, the bloom will be over without a
significant orange crop in much of the citrus areas - a real disappointment
to beekeepers in view of record prices in the honey market.  There were
scattered frosts extending well into the citrus belt Thursday and Friday
nights.  I saw oranges in full bloom with no bees working, though they were
foraging blackberries at the grove margins.
   There has been some frost damage to vegetable crops, and slow growth, even
where there was no damage, simply because it has been so cold this past week.
Some melons have been lost and will have to be replanted..
[log in to unmask]   Dave Green   PO Box 1200  Hemingway,  SC   29554
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