> found your message very informative. Thank you. I don't have access
> to a hard copy version of the
I've had good luck scanning articles -- even those with pictures --,
converting the bitmaps (huge) to JPEGs (60-200K) and sending them as
attachments to e-mail or putting them very temporarily on a non
publicised web page.
I am NOT recommending posting ANY binaries to the list, and one
should think about copyrights before going hog wild, but sending
copies to one or two people on request stikes me a simple solution to
the above quoted post as well as several requests by DE for access to
articles cited.
This scanning and converting is a fairly simple process, and if any
are interested, I could explain more.
(I does require access to a scanner (or fax machine) and software to
make the file conversion).
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                                         VE6CFK
RR#1, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada T0M 1Y0
Internet:[log in to unmask] & [log in to unmask]
Honey. Bees, & Art <http://www.internode.net/~allend/>