Response to this was not as good as I hoped so I am posting for a second
and last time. Pse do not re-submitt. If anything needs to be clarified
drop me a note.
> > Two years ago Dr. Nasr of Ontario took a survey of the importance of bee
> > chacacteristics to beekeepers. I thought it would be interesting to do
> > the same here on BEE-L. If you are interested in participating just fill
> > out the following and mail it back to me direct, not to the net. I will
> > tally the responses and post the results to BEE-L. Thank you.
> >
> > 1) Enter a number (1-11) after each of the following characteristics,
> > ranking them by their importance to you. Most important, 1 , next most
> > important, 2 , etc.
> >
> >             Winterability-
> >          Honey Production-
> >  Tracheal mite resistance-
> >         Varroa resistance-
> >                Chalkbrood-
> >            Aggressiveness
> >                    Colour-
> >           Brood viability-
> >                  Swarming-
> >            Comb stability-
> >                    Pollen-
> >
> > 2)You are (check one)  Hobby beekeeper (<10 col.)
> >                        Side liner (>10<300 col.)
> >                        Commercial (>300 col.)
> >
> > 3)You are (check all appropriate) Honey producer
> >                                   Pollinator
> >                                   Queen producer
> >
> > 4)You are in (check one)          North America
> >                                   Europe
> >                                   Other