Hello, All,
I recently became interested in apitherapy for M.S., because a co-worker, of
mine, was diagnosed with it a few days ago.
I know that there is a lot of research, all over the world, that has been
done on bee-sting therapy and I have read some of the articles in ABJ.
However, I have a unique question for anyone who deals with apitherapy from
a scientific standpoint.  I'm not looking for mere opinions, here, from
people on the list.  I need to know specific scientific data, if there
exists any on the question that I have.
I may be barking up the wrong tree by asking this question here, but here goes.
First, I need to give a little bit of background:
I am aware of research that is going on, right now, that involves the use of
electrical shock, in conjunction with various types of venoms.  I know that,
to date, the research has shown that all bee, wasp, spider and snake venoms
consist of a complex, "energy seeking" protein and that the basics of that
protein exist in all known venoms.  This protein, when it enters the body,
seeks energy to unlock and actually be beneficial to the human body, rather
than detrimental.  It can not find the energy that it seeks and as a result
loops back on itself in a never ending, energy seeking loop and that is what
causes it to be "poisonous" to the human body.
They, preliminarily, have already, substantially proven that by introducing
a high-volt, momentary shock, using a taser (stun gun), 3 to 5 times around
the sting/bite site, the energy is provided, necessary to unlock the
protein.  I believe the University of Oklahoma has been leading the research
in this area and it has been used several times on bite/sting victims with
great success.  So much so, that Wycliffe Bible Translators are requiring
that all of their missionaries carry tasers to the different countries that
they go to.
I heard one story of a missionaries' wife, in India, who was bitten by a
crate (sp?) snake.  The husband went for his taser, but the batteries were
dead.  He had been working on his motorcycle, so he took his wife to it and
shocked the site with the spark plug wire.  I understand she became person
number 4, in all of recorded history, to live through the bite of this
particular snake.  Anyway, that's straying from the question.
The question is this:  Has anyone done any research using the combination of
bee venom and high-volt electrical shock to treat any ailments or is this
information so new that it has not been considered?  If not, could this not
be something that someone might need to look into?
If you have any info., I would like to know and it would make for a very
interesting discussion on the list.  If you do, or you know the direction
that I could head to find out what I want to know, please post to the list.
Well, I've stayed up long enough.
Mike Wallace
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McKinney, Texas   USA