We've run out of "official" feeders (pails with holes that you fill with
syrup, and invert over a hole in the cover). So we have gone back to
improvised feeders.
    We have a lot of 2 1/2 feeder rims that we used earlier for dry sugar
feeding.  Right now we are using them for syrup.  First an excluder is laid
on the brood nest, then the rim.  Then newspapers are opened and laid over
the rims so there is a paper dam that will hold the syrup.  We use a minimum
of five sheets, taking care that there are no holes in any of the sheets.
 The bees will chew through the paper after awhile and the syrup will pour
through and be wasted.  We want the syrup to seep through slowly.
   We've been doing a consumer survey to see which section the bees prefer.
 We find that:
1.  They are totally indifferent to sports.
2.  They only occasionally read the front page news, the business section and
the classifieds.
3.  They always check immediately the market reports, and the food page.
4.  If you want to see them smile, give them the comics page.
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