Subject: What's he doing NOW?  Watering place.
Hi beelovers !
I described elsewhere the Nassanof pheromone lures.
I use this closed tubes (the smell pass slowly through the plastic) to
mark my bees watering place (they need a lot water to dissolve the
remaining food in March and April).  This can avoid the bees to be
searching and finding water in the neightbour and get some problems
(for me of course) with them.
To increase the attractivity of this place, it's a sunny South-East
directed place, water covered with natural moss (the one trying always
to invade your green) and locally heated with an aquarium
thermostatized heater.
Jean-Marie <[log in to unmask]>
Lat.Long. : N:50.30' E:04.56'  -  Alt. : 200 m  -  North sea : 200 km
Jean-Marie Van Dyck                    Fax +32 81 72 42 72
B.P. 102                               email : [log in to unmask]
B-5000     NAMUR(Belgium)              Medical school - Biochemistry dept
Sorry for my poor english : je parle francais !