Subject: "What's he doing NOW?" => Nassanof pheromones lures.
(Thanks a lot, Gordon, for your English lesson :-)
Hello All !
I prepared my annual provision of tubes containing a Nassanof like
compound.  It's important to prepare this just at the moment you'll
need it because it's volatile and instable.
I used a part of the recipe that John B. Free described in his book
Social Bee Pheromones, Chapman and Hall, eds, London
More details about the discoveries in 2 articles from Boch R and
Shearer DA both in Nature(London) :
   Identification of Geraniol as the active component in Nassanof
   Pheromone of the Honey Bee     Nature 194 (1962) p704-706
   Identification of Nerolic and Geranic Acid in the Nassanof
   Pheromone of the Honey Bee     Nature 202 (1964) p320-321
The recipe for 10 tubes:
        * 1 ml n-hexane
        * 100 ug (= about 0.1 ml) Citral, mixed isomers (E + Z)
        * 100 ug (= about 0.1 ml) Geraniol
        * 100 ug mixed isomers (E+Z) Geranic acid  and  Nerolic acid
As I don't find the last 2 acids, I'm obliged to work without them.
Free said it works but not so well that its full formula.
Put 0.1 ml of the mixture in a small plastic tube (polyethylene or
polypropylene) and close it.  I'm using Eppendorf 1.5 ml tubes.  A slight
lemon like smell!  Put the unused tubes in a 'small', 'well closed', 'glas'
vessel and put it in the refrigerator or freezer to wait for their use
time.  Each closed tube is a Nassanof pheromone lure.
Geraniol and Citral can be supplied both at the "Sigma Chemical Co"
St Louis or at the "Aldrich Co" or at the "ICN" Costa Mesa CA.
BTW Does anyone know where it's possible to buy the 2 acids I don't
find in my catalogs ? It's important because seems this compounds
really increase the efficience of the mixture.  TIA
Soon ...
Jean-Marie <[log in to unmask]>