On Tue, 5 Mar 1996, David Eyre wrote:
> and no doubt you're right "Why do we cull the Queen?" That's a bit like
> killing the messenger if you don't like the news! This practice has gone on
> for years, if you find chalkbrood, then requeen whereas ventilation will fix
> the problem! Does anyone want to comment?
        Just some comments on the chalkbrood disccusion. I know of two ways
requeening can help with this disease. Requeening a colony causes a break
in the production of brood. This can give the bees  time to clean up
the infection. Also, if the new queen's offspring have hygenic behavior,
they will remove dead brood from the hive. For what its worth- we seldom see
much chalkbrood since we began requeening with New World Carniolans and
more rescently, with our own queens. This has also been observed by
others in this area.>
  b                                                              b
  b    Vince & Carole Coppola                [log in to unmask]   b
  b    Coppola Apiaries,                     (716)965-2904       b
  b    10220 Bradigan Rd.                                        b
  b    Forestville, N.Y. 14062                                   b
  b                                                              b
  b    Queens bred for tracheal mite resistance                  b
  b    Honey , Pollination                                       b
  b    Western New York Beekeepers Association                   b
  b                                                              b