Are there any beekeepers out there who have continued working bees while they
were pregnant?  If so, did you work bees through the 1st trimester, 2nd
trimester, 3rd trimester.....?  Did you experience any adverse effects when
you were stung?  Were your reactions to stings more severe when you were
pregnant, compared to when you weren't?
I am hoping to get pregnant this year, but Dr. Eric Mussen (our U.C.
entomologist) cautioned me that pregnant women tended to have heightened
allergic reactions to bee stings.
If you worked bees while pregnant, or know someone who did, I would love to
hear about your (or her) experiences.  It would help me make some tentative
plans regarding my own "confinement".
Thank you,
  Shawna Roberts
  Gypsy Bees