Thu, 29 Feb 1996 Dave Green wrote.
> Perhaps 3-4% will be marked at the beginning, while only a handful will
>qualify by the following spring.  If the bees show ANY trace of meanness, or
>chalkbrood, they are instantly eliminated as breeders.
While I agree and do the same, I question the validity. Somewhere I read
that chalkbrood is a result of dampness. In my tests, increased ventilation
appears to cure chalkbrood. Has anybody else found this?
        I put a question recently. Has anyone used Bee Boost in splits or
nucs? I plan to try it this year, and was hoping to hear from someone who
has experience with it.
   * David Eyre          9 Progress Drive, Unit 2, *
   * The Beeworks,    Orillia, Ontario, L3V 6H1.*
   * [log in to unmask]      705-326-7171 *
   *          *