In response to the question is there a better way. Yes, in Florida I have
Irradiated hives. We irradiated a total of 71 hives in march of 94. We have
not had any AFB in the hives
as of yet. The State of Florida requires that we burn hives with AFB how ever
they have
let me keep the hives and have checked them every 6 months since. The state
has not changed the law yet, but with an Irradition facility here in the
state have allowed us on experimental basis to use it it looks cost
effective. the down side of the treatment is that the scale will still be
present. So unless you can prove that the hives where irradiated,
every time a bee inspector finds it they want to burn it.
 The cost in 1994 to treat 71 deep hive bodys with bottom boards lids and
frames was $550.00.  As you can see it is cheap compared to fire and
You must first extract all of the honey before you irratiate the hives
because they don't have permission from food and drug to irradiate the honey.
I have all the absorbed dose info here if you are interested.