New Beekeepers.
  I have been reading posts from people that are in beekeeping for there
first couple of years. I asked myself , how did I get help with
understanding what my bees were doing. I read books. Books are ok to a point.
  The first book that started my interset in bees was a National
Geographic , 1945-45. I didn't do the reading, my Grandfather.I knew then
that    I wanted bees some day. When I was married and had my own place,
it was time for the bees. I did the thing with Sears, you by there kit of
boxs and every thing but the bees.The bees would be sent to you in april.
They send a first lessons of beekeeping book with the kit. You know the
male ego, we read instructions After we are in trouble. I did read the
first 35 pages. The bees came in the mail and I was on cloud 9. I put the
bees in there new box in a sunny location about 8a;00 AM. I watched them
for a little while then went into th house. At 10:00 AM the bees were on
page 50 of the book.( swarming) They went way up in a fir tree. I did not
have anyone around to talk to , but I did find out that I should have
read the whole book. I even took my 30-06 out and blew the top of the
tree off. I wanted my bees. I did call down south and asked for another
 I found myself reading more and more about Honeybees.Beware, not all
books have the same opinion on what to do with your bees.As you can see
on this list ,we don't all agree on almost anything.But thats ok. We make
progress because we have different views.You as a beekeeper will see all
different types of behavior with your bees. You can ask questions and
read it out of a book.This list has more than any books. The important
part is you learning about your bees. Then sone one new will be asking
you questions about honey bees. There are many more questions than answers.
Don't ever foreget that we all start at the begining. All of us have made
mistakes and we learn by our mistakes.
  When you can ,get with other beekeepers. My 3rd year of beekeeping we
had a state meeting in Bellingham Wash. I would stand around  and listen
to the old timers talking about bees. You don't learn with your mouth ,
its your ears and eyes. I felt that I could not add anything to this
group of old timers.We had a few state apiariy inspecters. Old Charlie
was the inspecter for the Olympic peninsula which is the land to the west
of Seattle.Charlie was in his 80's and very much respected as a
beekeeper.He blew my world  in ten seconds. He walked right up to me and
shook my hand and said,hi son you have more honey on your hives than anyone
else on the peninsula. I had ten hives then and put them in the best
location I could find in the area. You can imagine what happened to me ,I
must have said I don't know 50 times. That I don't know is still going on
for me.New questions come up all the time.This mite problem has run many
people out of beekeeping.You have to follow the rules , use apistan
strips just the way they recommend using them. The bees will do what
they have been programed to do. Bee space is bee space. You give them 1/2
inch they will put wax in it.The more you observe the better you will get.
 We are natures keeper. Bees are a part of nature.Take good care of your
bees and help others. We need to express our concern of spraying
insecticides all over the place. Where I live , is out in the country and
I gave my neighbors a little talk on my bees and a jar of honey.They
don't spray unless thay call me. Plus if they just read the label is a help.
 I'm very glad my Granfather read the article to me on honey bees.I have
enjoyed them for a long time now. I hope to be around a lot longer to
learn more about the honeybee.