Hi Bee-Liners,
For the winter, some Quebec beekeepers leave their hives outside in
a wooden box. Some others have expensive insulated and heated
Some very well insulated houses were made and are still made of
straw bales.
I am thinking to build a straw bale tunnel of the length of a
trailer (12m, 40') and leave the hives (6 per pallet) on the
flatbed trailer I need to carry them for polination to minimize
handling. Is it a good idea?
With colds reaching -30C (-20F) would It be better to have heating?
When beekepers use pallets (6 hives, 3 each side) what is the
orientation of the hives? Are'nt all hives supposed to have their
entrance due south.
Jean-Louis Adant (Quebec)
Excuse my english.