> 2. Is there something written in Bee-books or -articles about the use of
> propolis in surface-coatings for music-instruments, furniture etc.
Maybe I can contribute something to this thread.
In 1988 Mr B.Koenig from Germany published an extended abstract of his
thesis about propolis in the following journal:
- B.Koenig, J.Dustmann: Baumharze, Bienen und antivirale Chemotherapie.
(-> Tree resins, bees and antiviral chemotherapy)
In: Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau Vol 41, issue 2, 1988
In this article reference is made to the following book which apparently
treats the use of propolis in musical instruments
- E.Knopf: Der Cremoneser Lack. Verlag Das Musikinstrument, Frankfurt/Main 1=
The book is written in the German language. However, the articel was
translated into English sometimes later. Sorry I don't recall when and
where. If you write to the co-author I am sure he can help you further. His
address is:
- Prof: J.Dustmann
Landesinstitut fuer Bienenforschung
Wehlstr. 4a
D-3100 Celle
Hope this will be of some help.
Best regards
Hans-Ulrich THOMAS. Beekeeper & collector of books about:
- bees and beekeeping
- ants (yes these small little buggers!)
- nature printing
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
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