Since this message received by private e-mail deals with a matter of
general interest, and an idea of posting to the list is indicated, I
am posting my reply to the list and hope most find it interesting:
> Thanks for the info on accessing previous discussions.  Is
> there any way to search the archives?
If you are up to dealing with the LISTSERV, just sent a HELP message
to it and go from there.  It has advanced searches (by email) that
are beyond my willingness to brave the opaque language in the manual.
If you use Netscape and the web, just use edit|find and use a key
like 'winter' or 'wintering' or 'wraps'.  You can use multiple
windows and let one log load in the background while you brouse one
that is already loaded.
> Since there was no reply in
> bee-L to my request for information on other wintering methods after
> my description of multiple colony packing I was thinking of checking
> the archives, but it is a formidable task.
Well, I wonder why no one replied.  It was an intelligent question,
well put, as well.
I personally don't have the time to do a good job on it, so was
hoping one of the other Northern oldtimers would respond.  Maybe some
will this time.
On a list, things go in waves.  For days I get no mail from a list,
then it fills my mailbox, only to die down again.
Lack of response is often just a matter of luck in timing.  I'd post
the question again, but it never hurts to look up the old
discussions.  I think some were in Oct/Nov/Dec of last year and I
know there were more.
> Perhaps you remember a year and maybe approximate month when there
> was extensive discussion about overwintering.  I would have sent
> this message to bee-L, in case someone else remembered when there
> was discussion, but I see that your posting gave your personal
> email address for reply to. What is the etiquette here?  Would it
> be incorrect to reply to the group when someone gives a personal
> address on the reply line? Well, you are right in a case such as
> this, it is proper and correct to reply personally, but if there
> is an impied interest in posting or the originator's identity is
> removed, or permission is sought first, it is okay.
This, of course depends on the list.  BEE-L is a  list that
accommodates a lot of diverse discussions on all levels with pretty
good tolerance by all.  Some lists are very fussy.
Of course nettiquette requires that messages should offer more than
a long quote and a 'ha ha!' or 'me too' response which wastes
everyone's time.  Who would want to hear laughs or smart comments on
every matter from all 500 or so readers?  Not me.
The rule is imagine buying and licking stamps and stuffing envelopes
to send your thoughts to half a thousand people on the list.
After that exercise, go ahead *anyhow* if you think that you have
*anything* they might like to hear.
IMO, anyhow.