My sincerest apologies if I violate any group ettiquette; I am very new to
the net.  I have tried to find the answer to this question elsewhere, but
without success.  What other species of bee will support tracheal mites?
What about varroa mites?  You see, in my province, Prince Edward Island, we
are still mite free, and an island that is closed to the importation of
honey bees.
However, blueberry growers here are importing alfalfa leafcutter bees and
packages of bumble bees for pollination.  Is it correct that these bees can
not support mites because of temperature restrictions?  If so, the colonies
of bumblebees that have not come from a single overwintered queen (that is
they are cultured), could they not have mites?    Thankyou,  Stan Sandler