Hello Bee - people!
I am new to BEE-L (and to bees). I have been "listening" for a while and
find it very interesting. BEE-L seems to be a ressource for information on
bees and beekeeping, so I will try it myself:
I suppose that beekeepers with network acces also use computers in
management of their bees. I am currently looking for some software for
this purpose. The software should be used for keeping records of
queens, hives, hive performance, behavior, honey etc. There is a copule
of programs available here i Denmark, but Ifind them too expencive for
my purpose. I thougt that maybee som macro programming in a
programme like Excel could do - but I migth be wrong on this. Does
anyone have a free- or shareware program for this? (MS-Dos or
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Denmark, Scandinavia