Further information about thymol:
Many chemical companys sell Thymol (Merck, ICN, SIGMA); the price varies
between $15 and 25$ for 100 gram, for The Netherlands, maybe for the USA
cheaper. Ask first your local chemist's or druggist's shop, they will order
it for you if not in stock.
Moth's balls (from your wardrobe) contain Thymol and Campher, so it is a very
common substance.
From two publications:
1. honey contained 0.04 mg Thymol/kg after (but how long?) application.
2. honey containing 50 mg Thymol is undangerous to human.
3. waxsamples contained in March 45 mg/kg, but decreased to 0.15 mg/kg in May
source: Deutsches Bienen Journal: (1993)8, 430-433: Stefanie Schultz
        Apidologie (1991)22, 135-145: F.Chiesa
LD50 orally in mice is 1.8 g/kg, for Nicotine LD50 is0.06 g/kg.
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