December 6, 1995
Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
I would like to get any information regarding American or Canadian bee
keepers  [honeybeekeepers] who collect the venum from bees. Could you help?
There are many skilled beekeepers to collect bee venom, but unfortunately
do not find the market for their production, because of the absence of
contacts to the pharmaceutical industry, seraching and demaning the need for
bee venom.
Therefore we hope to find valuable contacts interested to
buy bee venom.
May be you can help to establish any contacts regarding this matter, who
knows the prices and other market demands in the United States or Canada.
          Best regards from
          Dorothea Hutchinson
          FIA International                                  cc: Meelis
          Foundation for Intellectual Advancement
          672 Lollar Lane
          Fayetteville, AR 72701 USA
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