<moisture> 20dec95 0951
Verstehen sie mir for repeating this message originally
sent on 15dec. Believe it went out corrupted.
Here in Howard County, 10 miles W of Balto, Maryland, we
combat hive moisture by placing a twig on the front rim of
the inner cover, that is, between the outer cover and inner
cover, about 1 oct (first frost is around 15 oct), and remove
it around 1 apr, when all danger of severe frost is passed.
The hive itself has two deep broodchambers, hopefully w/
six frames of feed in each (or about 60#), going into the
winter. The bottom board is shallow side up altho the some
larger beekeepers in HC run the deep side up and resort to
mouse excluders during the fall--I have never done that in 35
consecutive years of apiculture: extra expense and extra
work. Suum cuique?
Jack the B-man  MX&HNY