> I just got a call from a fellow in California who is looking for 3000
> colonies of bees in singles or doubles.
> He needs them now.  A deal fell through on him.
> He is offering $40US for singles (5 frames bees or better) and $60US
> for doubles.  Truckload lots are preferred, but he'll take what is offered.
> Call Keith at 209-277-8456 if you can help out.
> (Thought this might interest the group.  If you think not, let me
> know.  I'm in the process of planning a list for bee ads only)
> (If you like the idea - please say so too.)
I like the idea of ads included in this list.  If it becomes goo many (I
don't know how this might be measured) then is the time for a separate list.