I have been asked by Matt Allan, editor of BEE BIZ to ask the following
questions of members in BEE-L.
They are queries which have been submitted to him by readers of Bee Biz, to
which he cannot find imediate solutions.
Any replies will be sent on to him by return
Apistan and Bayvarol kill braula as well as varroa. This is an advantage to
commercial honey producers. What is the period of the egg to pupal stages of
braula? Is six or eight weeks enough to ensure that all braula are exposed to
the acaricide?
What is the
specific heat of beeswax
the latent heat of  fusion of beeswax
the specific heat of honey.
Many thanks to BEE-L members in advance for the help offered.
Jeremy Burbidge  Publisher BEE BIZ
(U.K.) phone 1422 882751 ,  fax 1422 886157, e-mail [log in to unmask]