>        No: 2, 3,       Superscedure is usually caused by something the bees
>Ovaries damaged by Nosema, poor mating, Underfed by weak cell builders
producing weak Queens.
What you say is probably true but Supercedure is also an inheritable trait.
Here in the UK the British Isles Bee Breeders Association (BIBBA), who
have a web site now (Address???) make a feature of breeding queens that
supercede. They are very useful in reducing colony swarming  , which is a
problem in the UK.
Colonies give good yields, for our very variable stop-go climate!
[log in to unmask]  - Northern Regional Bee Inspector, UK -  Bee Curious
phone/fax 01704 822831
snailmail 'Asland' Flash Lane, Rufford, Ormskirk, Lancs, L40 1SW  - UK.