hi all!
as most of you Bee-listers are probably aware of, we have
four different mite diseases in honeybees:
      english:                 latin:
1. Tracheal mite disease     (Acarapis woodi)
2. Varroa mite disease       (Varroa jacobsoni)
3. Tropilaelaps mite disease (Tropilaelaps clareae)
4. Euvarroa mite disease     (Euvarroa sinhai)
I am wondering if the english names above are the correct
expressions for these diseases. I'm reasonably sure of nrs. 1 and 2, but what
about the others?
Any help is enormously appreciated.
Please answer to my Email address below, or to this List.
               @ @             Hugo Veerkamp
| Email:                        BEENET INTERNATIONAL               |
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