[Kerry Clark writes]: [edited]
   If skunks really get as many stings as is supposed, there must indeed be
   some great difference in susceptibility. Justin Schmidt's article in
   Hive and Honey Bee indicates a median lethal dose (from a direct toxic
   effect, rather than an allergic reaction) for humans, as 19 stings per
   kilogram body weight. The lethal dose for a skunk at that rate, would be
   only 50 stings or so (2 kg skunk?).
   Are bee stings as painful to skunks as they are to humans? I've heard
   from people who have observed bears in apparent considerable pain as
   they consumed combs from a hive they knocked over, even some bears who
   were driven away from hives by bees..could skunks be that different?
I sure wish I knew.  I would have thought the question of how wild animals
withstand stings would have been answered by now.
Are we sure nobody knows???
Liz Day
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Indianapolis, Indiana, central USA