From time to time I speak to various groups and I like to leave them with
a reading list. Rather than just have it contain my ideas of good books,
I'm soliciting input from others. What are your ideas of the "Best of the
Bee Books"? I divide my list into three categories:
     Beekeeping Instructional Books
        Here I place the how-to books such as those by Richard Bonney
        for those who want to go out an try it.
     Beekeeping General Reading
        This category contains books of interest to the lay reader dealing
        more generally with bees, beekeeping and keepers, etc.
     Beekeeping Reference
        This is the place for the tomes: "The Hive & the Honey Bee" and
        "The ABC & XYZ..." and any others.
Any suggestions will be much appreciated. A brief description of the book
or reason for including it helps readers make intelligent choices.
E-mail direct to me at:
      [log in to unmask]
and I will compile the list for posting here. I will also send it on to the
Beekeeping FAQ if they wish to include it. If you know the book is out
of print or somesuch, please include that info also.
Thanks in advance.
David Clayton                             Internet: [log in to unmask]
Assistant Director, Academic Computing    URI Smart Node Consultant
Univ. of RI; Kingston, RI 02881