> John Halstead -
>    Your brother called me last night about the extractor and electric knife.
>  Thank you for pointing him in my direction.  Please send me an e-mail so
> that I can get in touch with you if I need to.  Thank you!
> Laura Downey
> ([log in to unmask])
 1. U don't have to buy an
   electric knife & extractor.
 2. The Howard County Bkeepers
   Ass'n has one for use of
   its members and non-members.
 3. Weekly rental is something
    like $5.
 4. Perfect for new b-keeper
  with just a few hives.
 5. Contact John Romanik,
  Beebeard King of Maryland,
at 410/465-1809, Ellicott City.
 Bonne chance.
 Jack the B-man
John Iannuzzi PhD            | There is some soul of goodness
9772 Old Annapolis Rd        | in things evil... Thus we may
Ellicott City (founded 1772) | gather honey from the weed.
Maryland usa 21042           |        --Shakespeare (Henry V)
Hobbyist w/ 19 colonies      | 21 Italian hives (20sep950700)
too many. 410/730-5279       | 35 years a b-man