Subject: Re: Apistan strips in hive during flow
Date:    9/18/95  2:29 AM
> As a new hobbyist I did the same thing [left Apistan strips in the hive while
> honey was being stored in extracting supers] AND its too late for me to NOT
> use the honey. I've consumed the 30 lbs of white honey I took off the hive in
> July. I also took another 20 lbs of very dark honey off this week and will
> probably take another 20 lbs at the end of sept. as I shrink the hive down
> to 2 brood chambers and a shallow super for the mild(Vancouver, BC.)winter.
> My question is...what have I done to those friends and relatives I fed the
> honey to?
    You've exposed them to a pesticide, contrary to the label instructions for
that pesticide.  According to US regulations, that's a serious infraction.
According to courtesy, not letting them know about it is also a serious
    Realistically...well, a single incident like that is highly unlikely to
cause any actual harm.  I don't know specifically about Apistan, but typically
the odds against developing any illness through such a single exposure to an
approved pesticide is better than ten million to one...and you're not likely to
win the lottery, either.
    Personally, I'd feed that honey back to the bees during a period when I had
no supers on the hives.  I'd _never_ sell it or give it away.  But given the
level of risk involved, I might well consume some of it myself...just me, not
even another family member.
John E. Taylor III     W3ZID     | "The opinions expressed are those of the
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]      | writer and not of Rohm and Haas Company."