> > Alergy topic one:  I went to the Johns Hopkins Alergy clinic to
> >  be tested and instead paid 400 dollars to be told,
> >  by the clinic's head Vodoo doctor,  that
> >  they could not predict allergies to bee stings.  They would
> >  not test us.  In my humble opinion, a big waste of money.
> What?!  Seems like allergy testing has a fairly well-established protocol
> and clinical record-- as testified by the numerous postings on this topic
> in the past few weeks.  I'd report the doctor who told you this to the AMA
   The John's Hopkins Alergy clinic is, from what I have been told, a
world renown and highly prestigious institution, and the doctor was
the head of that clinic.  He also told me that the 18 years of
painful alergy therapy that I underwent as a youngster was a waste of
time.  Perhaps things have changed in the 6 or so years since that
consultation, but as the inside cover of one college textbook said,
"Todays medicine; tomorrow's placebos".
   Dave Einhorn
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