Fellow Bee-listers:
As a beekeeper *and* and Internet consultant, let me jump in here to
explain a bit about the Mike Holloway Amway mail.
This mail was sent from an account at an Internet provider called
Interramp.  The email address it came from was
[log in to unmask]  You can see that at the top of the
The address [log in to unmask] was made up.  There never was such an
account.  Perhaps the sender wanted to annoy someone there.  Who
knows?  I did send mail to the postmaster there letting him know that
this had happened, and he said that they are "investigating".
I checked the users on the list, and there are no "non-'concealed'"
users that use the interramp.com service.  There are 3 concealed
users, and I don't have a way to tell who they are.  Perhaps Erik or
Mary Jo know more about that.
At any rate, this was clearly the work of someone trying to bother
both us here on the bee-list and the folks at Concentric Research
Corp. (cris.com).  Flaming the folks at Concentric won't help, and,
unless the sender is one of us, posting here won't help either.
The end...
        Midnight Networks Inc. * 200 Fifth Avenue * Waltham, MA  02154
        Glen B. Glater           Principal, Strategic Networking Group
        Phone: (617) 890-1001                    Fax:   (617) 890-0028
        Internet: [log in to unmask]       The Best in Network Software