Hi all -
   A month or so ago I posted some messages regarding the possibility that I
was allergic to honey bee venom.  I had some serious local reactions, large
swellings and itching.
   I went to the doctor last week, had a blood test done as part of a routine
checkup.  I also asked the doctor to have it checked for a possible allergy
to bee venom.
   The doctor called me up today and told me to find a new hobby!  Not good
news.  I told him that I was not ready to give up.  I asked him what could be
done - he said to be completely suited from head to toe, carry an epi-pen and
Benadryl.  He said that one or two stings wouldn't kill me, but that a large
number of them could.
   I am going to an allergist for additional information and testing.  I am
not sure how accurate the blood-allergy testing is.  Everyone I mention it to
has never heard of it (well, none of them were doctors!).  I am going to find
out if desensitization is possible.
   Regarding desensitization, does it work for everyone?  Is it expensive?
 Is there anywhere someone can point me to an article or other info about
this process?
   Thank you in advance for all answers, comments, suggestions, etc.  This is
a beekeeper that is not ready to give up this great hobby!
Laura Downey
Jessup, Maryland
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