I have a young man working for me for the third season. He has decided to
take a year off before returning to University and would be interested in
doing some beekeeping while exploring another part of the world.  He was
thinking of Australia or New Zealand, thinking that the season would be
opposite ours but would be interested in looking at opportunities elsewhere.
The first step is to find out the time of the year during which
employment might be possible.  For those of you outside of North America,
could you please give me an indication of any employment opportunities
and the time of year in your area.  For example, here in Northern Alberta
in Canada, there is seasonal employement in the beekeeping industry from
May through to August or September with extra help required during July
and August.
Eric Abell                           email: [log in to unmask]
Gibbons, AB, T0A 1N0
(403) 998 3143