> From:          Laura Downey <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject:       Bee stings
>  Yesterday while taking some frames out of the super, I was stung on my
> left hand ring finger ( and yes, I had rings on, although I know I shouldn't
> have ).
As an observation, I have come to the conclusion that bees do not
like sweat especially from under my wrist watch strap and therefore
remove it and wash my wrist before working bees.  I know only too
well that if I wear the watch (it has a metal strap) I will be stung
in that area.
Do rings work in a similar way?  I have a sygnet ring but the main
part is thin and perhaps the finger does not collect sweat like the
area under a wrist watch because I am seldom stung on any finger.
>>>       Keith JM Hooker       <<<
>>>  Technology Management Ltd  <<<
>>> WHITSTABLE Kent CT5 4ED UK  <<<