On Wed, 26 Jul 1995, Aaron Morris wrote:
> Fred Chase <[log in to unmask]> queried about the fair market value of
> hogg comb sections.  I replied directly to Fred, but decided I should
> also post to the list.  I'd be interested to hear what Allen Dick has
> to say about this and perhaps he can offer some hints about finding
> local markets for comb honey.
Well, we sell mostly into export in bulk, but we've tried the local route
and there are many producing and selling 2000 or so combs easily for good
profit in local markets.
Here are suggestions:
Gift shops - especially at airports - comb in rounds is suit pocket size.
Candy stores in tourist areas.
Farmers markets- approach someone already selling there.
Yuppie type malls with lots of gourmet shops
Another plan: Shrink wrap them in half dozens and sell as a backup gift
idea - The person buys them, freezes them until Christams, then
distributes them as gifts to those folks who show up at the last minute
whne you have already got the shopping done.
You should have no trouble selling for $2 and up.  Retaillers can sell up
to $5 if they are fresh and presented right - say next to the till in
the store.
In bulk, Glorybee is always looking as is Moonshine Trading.
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                        VE6CFK
Rural Route One   Swalwell   Alberta   Canada  T0M 1Y0
Email:   [log in to unmask]    or   [log in to unmask]
Futures, Art & Honey:http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~dicka