> From: "La Reine de la Cite' des Phoques (Liz Day)" <[log in to unmask]>
> Perhaps the discussion could be kept non-slanderous if it were
> mainly about the merits of different types of queens, with no
> comments on the other business aspects (price, service) of
> the suppliers.  It would be less personal.
        I don't understand why you want to not talk about the quality
of the vendor...if they're good, they deserve business, if they're not
good they deserve what they get. If I got ripped off by Jim Bob's and
he does it to everybody, would you want me to tell you before or after
you gave Jim Bob your hard earned cash?
Dave D. Cawley            |     The information on the Internet is only
University Of Scranton    |     interesting to people who are interested
Scranton, Pennsylvania    |     in it.
[log in to unmask]         |             -Scranton Tomorrow Spokeswoman
[log in to unmask]      |     refusing invitation to Internet Cafe's opening